"Privity of contract" ( called "privity of debt" in civil law system) is the corner stone of contract rule and system, which underlies wide recognition and respect of "autonomy" and "freedom of contract". 合同相对性原则(大陆法称其为债的相对性原则)是合同规则、合同制度的基石。
A state could not contravene the freedom of contract unless there were obvious and compelling reasons for exercising the police power. 各州不能侵犯契约自由,除非有明显而且充分的行使管理权的理由。
"Freedom of Contract" in Ancient China: Review Based on Text and Practice 古代中国的契约自由:文本与实践的考察
Most economists and lawyers believe in "freedom of contract": people should be allowed to write the contracts they like. 大多数经济学家和律师都信仰“合约自由”,即应该允许人们起草自己喜欢的合约。
Consistent with its obligations under the WTO Agreement and the Draft Protocol, the freedom of contract of enterprises would be respected by China. 在与其在《WTO协定》和议定书(草案)项下义务相一致的情况下,企业的合同自由将得到中国的尊重。
On freedom of contract and its role in the contract law of People's Republic of China 试论契约自由及其在我国合同法中的地位
Freedom of contract is the core and essence of modern contract law. 契约自由原则是近代契约法的核心和精髓。
The law of contract is one of the most important pillars in the American legal system, and the freedom of contract is an important symbol of American capitalist society. 摘要合同法是美国法律体系中最重要的柱石之一,契约自由是美国资本主义社会的一个重要标志。
Moreover, it is the Roman law that gestated the concept and thought of freedom of contract. 而且,正是罗马法孕育了契约自由的观念和思想。
The Speculation on the Development of the Freedom of Contract in the Views of Contractual Justice 从契约正义的角度看契约自由的发展
Whether liability insurance for drunk driving is permitted not only deals with the intentional tort but also the balance of the social public policies between freedom of contract and moral risk or between threat and indemnification. 摘要酒后驾车能否投保责任保险,不仅涉及酒后驾车肇事是否属于故意侵权,而且涉及合同自由与道德风险、威慑与补偿等社会公共政策之间的衡量。
They are likely to reduce efficiency because they interfere with freedom of contract. 它们干涉了合约自由,因此很可能会降低效率。
The restriction on the freedom of contract must be legal, reasonable and necessary, and its final care is to find a balance between the freedom of contract and the justice. 对契约自由的限制,应当合法、合理和必要,应以实现契约自由和公平正义的平衡为目的。
This is the doctrine of "freedom of contract". 这就是“契约自由”原则。
International Freight Forwarders Freedom of Contract 国际货运代理的订约自由
In your opinion, does revaluation of money by law in a private contract between two persons constitute a violation of the "Freedom of Contract" Principle? Why? 就你而言,两个自然人之间签订合同对法律规定的货币进行重新评估,是否违反了“契约自由”原则?为什么?
Freedom of testament is the reflection of the rule autonomy of the will as the freedom of contract. 遗嘱自由与契约自由一样都是意思自治原则的体现。同时,遗嘱自由原则也体现了对公民个人财产权的保护和尊重。
The essence of this principle is to defend the freedom of contract. 情事变更原则的本质是维护合同自由。
The doctrine of freedom of contract guarantees exchanges smoothly with the market mechanism's function. 契约自由是商品交换顺畅进行和市场机制发挥基础性作用的法律实现形式和保障。
According to freedom of contract doctrine, parties can make agreement on the liability for liquidated damages. 根据契约自由原则,当事人可以对违约金责任作出约定。
The concept of freedom of contract is the foundation of theory and system of the contract law. 契约自由是合同法理论与制度的基石。
The contradiction between the administration according to law and the freedom of contract. 二是依法行政与契约自由之间的矛盾。
Freedom of contract is the basic principle of private law. 契约自由是私法的基本原则。
The freedom of contract principle is the civil law meaning autonomous main content and the basic manifestation. 合同自由原则是私法意思自治的主要内容和基本表现形式。
Equity norms are institutional conditions of realizing freedom of contract, but not the limitation to it. 公平规范实为保障契约自由实现的制度条件,而非对契约自由的限制。
Compulsory contracting is the amendment to the freedom of contract and be consistent with it. 强制缔约是对契约自由的修正,与契约自由相统一。
It is not form clause but monopoly and unequal economic standing which seriously challenge the freedom of contract. 格式条款本身并没有否定契约自由,垄断和经济地位上的不平等才真正对契约自由形成了严峻挑战。
Chapter One introduces the definition and theoretical basis of freedom of contract and its the legal regulation. 第一部分主要介绍合同自由及其法律规制的内涵和理论基础。
Principles of good faith and freedom of contract are the social and moral basis for the existence such doctrine. 诚实信用原则和合同自由分别是第三人侵害缔约利益制度存在的社会基础和伦理基础。